In 2019, Netflix released a feature film on the story of Allan Kardec and the birth of Spiritism as a doctrine

Free Essential Spiritist Books

It is recommended to read the first three in the order below. Click on each image for free books in PDF. Online links provided by the ISC (International Spiritist Council.)

1. What is Spiritism?

This booklet of only a hundred pages or so presents a summary of the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine, a general overview that enables one to see the whole in a condensed picture. In only a few words, one can ascertain its objective and judge its scope. It presents the principal questions or objections that newcomers are usually inclined to raise.


2. The Spirits’ Book

This is the complete Doctrine as dictated by the Spirits themselves, and contains their entire philosophy and all its moral implications. It reveals humankind’s destiny and provides an initiation into the understanding of the nature of spirits and the mysteries of life beyond the grave. By reading it, one comprehends Spiritism’s serious objective.


3. The Mediums’ Book

This book is intended to guide those who wish to become involved with the manifestations, and provides an understanding of the most appropriate means for communicating with spirits. It is supplements The Spirits’ Book as a guide for mediums as well as those hoping to deeply understand how the spirits interact with the physical world.


Spiritist Movies Available Online & Streaming

Click on the images below for YouTube links for either the trailer or full length motion picture.


Free Spiritist Books Online

Click on each image for free books in PDF. Links provided by United States Spiritist Federation.


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