XXI Spiritist week

Adriano Barbo presents the closing remarks at last year’s event in New York. Watch his lecture!


Our Weekly Schedule


Public Lecture



Our public lectures are presentations of different topics related to Spiritism. We start with reading a message from one of the many spiritual books, saying a prayer followed by music (to help elevate the vibration level). At the end of the lecture we have passes and magnetized water with a closing prayer. We have lectures in Portuguese and in English with live-on-demand translation always available. Our activities start at 8PM sharp, but we invite everyone to arrive at least 10min earlier to assist on harmonizing the environment. Please, dress respectfully as this is a house of prayer.


Public Study Groups

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All of our studies start and end with a prayer.

TUESDAY, 8:00PM to 9:30PM

Group study of Spirit books from Allan Kardec (Codification of Spiritism) and authors like Andre Luiz, Joanna de Angelis, Manoel Philomeno de Miranda among others.

THURSDAY, 8:00PM to 9:00PM

Group study of The Gospel According to Spiritism (temporarily closed).

FRIDAY, 8:00PM to 9:30PM

Group study of The Medium’s Book and other complementary books of the Spiritism (temporarily closed).


Spiritual Treatment


WEDNESDAY, 7:30PM to 9:00PM (by appointment only)

This meeting for treatment or counseling is a one on one session, closed to the general public. Please, contact 914-562-2029 or by email contact@mvscenter.org to schedule yours.


Youth Education

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SUNDAY, 10:15AM – 12:00PM (closed during Summer – classes return in September) - temporarily closed

Our youth studies in English gives children and teens a chance to make new friends and study the foundation of the Spiritist Doctrine. Our volunteer facilitators explain the Natural Law that governs the universe, nature, origin and destiny of spirits, as well as their relations with the corporal world.

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